Thursday, June 10, 2010
Been awhile...
and I just wanted everyone to know that all these GPT sites are STILL a great way to earn extra money online. Some of the sites' policies have changed and I've done my best to go through and update the information presented in this blog. if you spot any incorrect info then leave a comment on the respective post and I'll clear it up. Thanks, and Happy Earning!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
GPT Tips
This blog contains reviews and tips on GPT sites or "Get Paid To", these are also called PTS or "Paid To Signup", these sites allow you to complete surveys and various offers in exchange for cash. The surveys/offers are listed on the site and after signing up you choose which ones you want to complete. They are a snap to complete and most of the free surveys consist of little more than entering an email address, zip code, and address information. Only the trial offers (such as ordering a free trial of a product and paying shipping and handling) require payment on your part, which usually run from about $1-5 and pay upwards of $10, but there are a very large amount of completely free offers out there as well and you can easily make a couple hundred dollars without spending anything but a little time.
The amount of money paid depends entirely on the type of offer, and the site, but can range from 40 cents to 40$. These GPT sites are completely free to join, so go ahead and sign up to a good one by going to Cashcrate, it's extremely quick so just enter a valid email (they WON'T send spam) , and VALID address information (so you can get your check) then come back to learn more.
Most sites including Cashcrate also have a built in referral system, where you get a percentage of what your referrals make (NOT FROM THEIR MONEY (common misconception), just a bonus percentage from the site), at Cashcrate for instance this is 20% for people you refer to the site and 10% of your referral's referrals, and $3 for each that completes $10 worth of offers, this can also be improved to 30%/20% by getting a set amount of referrals. With this feature you can earn even more, depending on how many referrals you can get. However, it's easy to make a good bit of money with no referrals whatsoever. Keep in mind that this means that you can only have one account per household, in order to prevent people from making multiple accounts under their own. If you sign up more than one, you WILL get deleted, since they will see multiple accounts under the same IP and home address.
Payment is sent to you is made in the form of a check or through a verified Paypal account. You have to make a minimum of $20 in you monthly earnings (not pending) to receive a check the next month, so be sure to reach at least $20 so you can have direct evidence that it works. Payouts are sent out around the 15th of every month so if you make $20 in March you'll receive a check around April 20th-25th depending on where you live. I have been using these sites almost two years now and I am very happy with the extra cash, so to show my good feelings about the whole GPT system, I've compiled this list of tips to get you started.
If you haven't yet go ahead and sign up with Cashcrate or any site on this blog that strikes your fancy and familiarize yourself with the site, look at this page for a basic guide on doing free offers, and then come back here for the tips below that are a little harder to find. Just in case you think this is a scam, here's a look at Cashcrate's payment proof thread , it has pictures of members checks posted, and I've got some (I don't have a scanner to post them all) of the checks I've received posted at my GPT Proof blog.
Some tips that are hard to locate:
1. Most important is to use correct information which filling out the forms and surveys, entering fraudulent information can get your account deleted and you will lose the money you've earned. In addition to that not as many offers approve if you use fake info, this goes for any GPT sites out there.
There are some free voicemail number websites like you can use to try and get a phone number to use on offers to cut down on telemarketing calls. Don't be worried about junk mail through the postal service, I've not received any more of it than usual since joining since email is much cheaper for these companies.
2. In order to get the most offers approved and avoid massive amounts of spam you need to set up multiple junk email accounts, from hotmail, google(gmail), or yahoo. Most of the survey companies are actually paying for email leads so if you use the same email over and over you won't get paid for them after a while.
The best trick you can do is with gmail, where you insert a period into your gmail address. Gmail will accept your mail with a period anywhere in it. Simply choose a long username and keep changing where the period is to use the same email over and over. For instance using an email like this: , then, and so on. After using all the one period combos then use 2, then 3, etc.: ex. This really lets you use gmail accounts much longer than any other service.
Alternate your surveys with these different accounts, remember to make them similar and use the same password in case something needs confirmation, I usually just keep all my junk emails under the same password for ease of memory.
3. Consider downloading roboform a free autofill program for your surveys, this will drastically increase the number of free offers you can do in one sitting through GPT sites. You can setup multiple identities for different emails and store them on your browser toolbar, then just click the button and boom all forms are filled. I find roboform to be extremely helpful, and saves me a lot of typing. It is located at and contains no spyware/adware. I have used this program a while and never had any problems with it. For a great guide to using roboform, with pictures, made by D3athP3nalty at Cashcrate forums click here.
You can also use the save form feature to make making gmail accounts easier, simply fill in all the info for setting up a new account, and click save on the toolbar, enter in Google signup or somthing and it will make a button with that name on the roboform toolbar. Then when you want to create a gmail account you don't have to enter all your info every time, just change the username and security code and you're done. This can be very helpful to make 10 similar accounts and then rotate them on offers. Once your approval rating on offers drops again, then make a new batch and see if that helps, it usually does.
4. When have to do pages full of yes or no selection boxes I find it's much easier to alternate hitting the tab key and the right arrow key, that is unless you use roboform.
If using roboform you can click anywhere near the questions and then hit left alt key and the =(equal sign) key at the same time to fill the rest, just make sure the page is fully loaded or it won't work. This also isn't helpful on sites that have checkboxes with multiple choices since alt+= will fill every box, use left alt and - key to undo all selections in that case.
5. Delete cookies and cache after each offer since some offers are by the same company, this helps them complete since most survey companies track by cookies. This is an enormous help to getting more offers to complete. Download CCleaner, a cache cleaning tool, to make automatic cookie cleaning a snap, or clear from within your browser, if you aren't sure how check your browsers help file for clearing cookies.
Make sure you are accepting cookies through your browser to begin with, and turn off any cookie control or ad-blocking that your firewall might have on, these will often prevent you from receiving credit for offers by blocking tracking cookies. For information on how to set your browser to accept cookies, look here.
6. Use Firefox to remember your password for the GPT sites and when you delete cookies don't delete saved passwords. That way you can relog into the site much faster to complete the next offer. In addition if using CCleaner you are able to set the GPT sites and any other cookies you want to NOT be deleted. When you run the cleaner go to Options, the Cookies tab, and select the ones you want to keep.
7. Try and alternate the offers you complete, don't do too many of the same company with the same email in a row. For example, don't do 5-10 .50 cent surveys from My Insider Deals in a row since even with multiple emails and deleting cookies they probably won't all complete. Mix it up and wait a while for them to complete.
8. If you are interested in making more money from GPT sites, then the best option is to do the credit card offers in addition to the surveys. Many of these offers require just a small fee between $1-$5, in exchange for $10-$40, so the amount of money one can make from them goes up a lot, +300$ or more for most. Just be sure to read the TOS (Terms of Service) on the credit card offers and look at the cancellation process, know how your going to cancel before completing the offer and write down all pertinent info, such as telephone numbers, confirmation numbers, and dates. Make sure there aren't any hidden charges or anything, but be aware that sometimes the trials will apply holding charges to your card to make sure you have funds available, these will usually be refunded in 2-5 days. Also be aware that doing the same trial offer on multiple sites is considered fraud by the GPT sites and you probably won't get credited, and you might get your account deleted.
Since most people are legitimately concerned about using their CC online due to identity theft, the best option is a prepaid credit card. Certain giftcards, like Visa Giftcard, which can be obtained from various online retailers or your local bank, can be used as prepaid credit cards online. This prevents you from having to add things to your regular card's statement, and let's you do these offers without fear of your numbers getting out. Be aware however that a lot of sites forbid the use of prepaid credit cards now, so check with the individual site's rules. Another popular option is the Paypal debit card, they are accepted by more offers and will not draw on secondary accounts to cover negative balances.
9. Remember to refer your friends and family. Also you can go to message boards, where it's allowed, and post your link in your signature. If your aren't a member of a forum or chat room, find one about making money online and post it there. Remember not to spam your link as this won't reflect well on you or the GPT site you're promoting, post only where it's allowed, see each forum's rules. Also consider adding your link to your Myspace profile if you have one, just don't spam your friends with bulletins or posts containing your link.
Another thing to do is to type up some flyers with your referral link and post them at places like laundromats, colleges, and other places free postings are allowed. I believe however it's much better to post your links on a blog or free website, and put that link on the flyer, as most people won't bother to type out a long referral link and will go straight to the GPT site, thereby losing you a referral.
If you have any trouble getting referrals, try these free referral programs as well, GetRef and StarReferrals.
The amount of money paid depends entirely on the type of offer, and the site, but can range from 40 cents to 40$. These GPT sites are completely free to join, so go ahead and sign up to a good one by going to Cashcrate, it's extremely quick so just enter a valid email (they WON'T send spam) , and VALID address information (so you can get your check) then come back to learn more.
Most sites including Cashcrate also have a built in referral system, where you get a percentage of what your referrals make (NOT FROM THEIR MONEY (common misconception), just a bonus percentage from the site), at Cashcrate for instance this is 20% for people you refer to the site and 10% of your referral's referrals, and $3 for each that completes $10 worth of offers, this can also be improved to 30%/20% by getting a set amount of referrals. With this feature you can earn even more, depending on how many referrals you can get. However, it's easy to make a good bit of money with no referrals whatsoever. Keep in mind that this means that you can only have one account per household, in order to prevent people from making multiple accounts under their own. If you sign up more than one, you WILL get deleted, since they will see multiple accounts under the same IP and home address.
Payment is sent to you is made in the form of a check or through a verified Paypal account. You have to make a minimum of $20 in you monthly earnings (not pending) to receive a check the next month, so be sure to reach at least $20 so you can have direct evidence that it works. Payouts are sent out around the 15th of every month so if you make $20 in March you'll receive a check around April 20th-25th depending on where you live. I have been using these sites almost two years now and I am very happy with the extra cash, so to show my good feelings about the whole GPT system, I've compiled this list of tips to get you started.
If you haven't yet go ahead and sign up with Cashcrate or any site on this blog that strikes your fancy and familiarize yourself with the site, look at this page for a basic guide on doing free offers, and then come back here for the tips below that are a little harder to find. Just in case you think this is a scam, here's a look at Cashcrate's payment proof thread , it has pictures of members checks posted, and I've got some (I don't have a scanner to post them all) of the checks I've received posted at my GPT Proof blog.
Some tips that are hard to locate:
1. Most important is to use correct information which filling out the forms and surveys, entering fraudulent information can get your account deleted and you will lose the money you've earned. In addition to that not as many offers approve if you use fake info, this goes for any GPT sites out there.
There are some free voicemail number websites like you can use to try and get a phone number to use on offers to cut down on telemarketing calls. Don't be worried about junk mail through the postal service, I've not received any more of it than usual since joining since email is much cheaper for these companies.
2. In order to get the most offers approved and avoid massive amounts of spam you need to set up multiple junk email accounts, from hotmail, google(gmail), or yahoo. Most of the survey companies are actually paying for email leads so if you use the same email over and over you won't get paid for them after a while.
The best trick you can do is with gmail, where you insert a period into your gmail address. Gmail will accept your mail with a period anywhere in it. Simply choose a long username and keep changing where the period is to use the same email over and over. For instance using an email like this: , then, and so on. After using all the one period combos then use 2, then 3, etc.: ex. This really lets you use gmail accounts much longer than any other service.
Alternate your surveys with these different accounts, remember to make them similar and use the same password in case something needs confirmation, I usually just keep all my junk emails under the same password for ease of memory.
3. Consider downloading roboform a free autofill program for your surveys, this will drastically increase the number of free offers you can do in one sitting through GPT sites. You can setup multiple identities for different emails and store them on your browser toolbar, then just click the button and boom all forms are filled. I find roboform to be extremely helpful, and saves me a lot of typing. It is located at and contains no spyware/adware. I have used this program a while and never had any problems with it. For a great guide to using roboform, with pictures, made by D3athP3nalty at Cashcrate forums click here.
You can also use the save form feature to make making gmail accounts easier, simply fill in all the info for setting up a new account, and click save on the toolbar, enter in Google signup or somthing and it will make a button with that name on the roboform toolbar. Then when you want to create a gmail account you don't have to enter all your info every time, just change the username and security code and you're done. This can be very helpful to make 10 similar accounts and then rotate them on offers. Once your approval rating on offers drops again, then make a new batch and see if that helps, it usually does.
4. When have to do pages full of yes or no selection boxes I find it's much easier to alternate hitting the tab key and the right arrow key, that is unless you use roboform.
If using roboform you can click anywhere near the questions and then hit left alt key and the =(equal sign) key at the same time to fill the rest, just make sure the page is fully loaded or it won't work. This also isn't helpful on sites that have checkboxes with multiple choices since alt+= will fill every box, use left alt and - key to undo all selections in that case.
5. Delete cookies and cache after each offer since some offers are by the same company, this helps them complete since most survey companies track by cookies. This is an enormous help to getting more offers to complete. Download CCleaner, a cache cleaning tool, to make automatic cookie cleaning a snap, or clear from within your browser, if you aren't sure how check your browsers help file for clearing cookies.
Make sure you are accepting cookies through your browser to begin with, and turn off any cookie control or ad-blocking that your firewall might have on, these will often prevent you from receiving credit for offers by blocking tracking cookies. For information on how to set your browser to accept cookies, look here.
6. Use Firefox to remember your password for the GPT sites and when you delete cookies don't delete saved passwords. That way you can relog into the site much faster to complete the next offer. In addition if using CCleaner you are able to set the GPT sites and any other cookies you want to NOT be deleted. When you run the cleaner go to Options, the Cookies tab, and select the ones you want to keep.
7. Try and alternate the offers you complete, don't do too many of the same company with the same email in a row. For example, don't do 5-10 .50 cent surveys from My Insider Deals in a row since even with multiple emails and deleting cookies they probably won't all complete. Mix it up and wait a while for them to complete.
8. If you are interested in making more money from GPT sites, then the best option is to do the credit card offers in addition to the surveys. Many of these offers require just a small fee between $1-$5, in exchange for $10-$40, so the amount of money one can make from them goes up a lot, +300$ or more for most. Just be sure to read the TOS (Terms of Service) on the credit card offers and look at the cancellation process, know how your going to cancel before completing the offer and write down all pertinent info, such as telephone numbers, confirmation numbers, and dates. Make sure there aren't any hidden charges or anything, but be aware that sometimes the trials will apply holding charges to your card to make sure you have funds available, these will usually be refunded in 2-5 days. Also be aware that doing the same trial offer on multiple sites is considered fraud by the GPT sites and you probably won't get credited, and you might get your account deleted.
Since most people are legitimately concerned about using their CC online due to identity theft, the best option is a prepaid credit card. Certain giftcards, like Visa Giftcard, which can be obtained from various online retailers or your local bank, can be used as prepaid credit cards online. This prevents you from having to add things to your regular card's statement, and let's you do these offers without fear of your numbers getting out. Be aware however that a lot of sites forbid the use of prepaid credit cards now, so check with the individual site's rules. Another popular option is the Paypal debit card, they are accepted by more offers and will not draw on secondary accounts to cover negative balances.
9. Remember to refer your friends and family. Also you can go to message boards, where it's allowed, and post your link in your signature. If your aren't a member of a forum or chat room, find one about making money online and post it there. Remember not to spam your link as this won't reflect well on you or the GPT site you're promoting, post only where it's allowed, see each forum's rules. Also consider adding your link to your Myspace profile if you have one, just don't spam your friends with bulletins or posts containing your link.
Another thing to do is to type up some flyers with your referral link and post them at places like laundromats, colleges, and other places free postings are allowed. I believe however it's much better to post your links on a blog or free website, and put that link on the flyer, as most people won't bother to type out a long referral link and will go straight to the GPT site, thereby losing you a referral.
If you have any trouble getting referrals, try these free referral programs as well, GetRef and StarReferrals.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Treasure Trooper

Hello all, I'm continuing in my GPT\PTS enthusiasm since I've found another excellent site, Treasure Trooper! This site has a great community of people dedicated to helping each other make easy money online.
This GPT also has interesting side features also such as getting gold and platinum coins for completing offers in addition to the cash. These coins can be used to purchase lots of cool prizes such as an entry into a 100$ treasure hunt, a giftcard, or even an Xbox 360. A whole side game is built into Treasure Trooper as well in the form of collecting gems, these are left a mystery as no one is allowed to disclose their function (so I'm not able to tip you TT members off). In addition after each offer is completed you're allowed to play a quick shell game where you try to guess where the pearl is. After collecting 8 such pearls you can purchase a pearl bracelet which makes the next 2 members who sign up to Treasure Troopers without a referral become your referrals.
For all UK users out there, Treasure Troopers has just opened a UK section to their site with hundreds of offers available for the United Kingdom, so be sure to join this GPT site.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Yes my GPT Sites are still Earning!
Wow, been a long time since I've updated this blog, I think I'll show some more of my PayPal payments. I'm constantly amazed at how long you can keep earning money from GPT sites and of course how easy it is.

Those DealBarbiePays payments are actually from DBPFast, a great site with $1.00 min. payments which are sent out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week!

Those DealBarbiePays payments are actually from DBPFast, a great site with $1.00 min. payments which are sent out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
More PayPal Proof
Monday, January 21, 2008
PayPal Proof
Monday, April 23, 2007
Payment Proof
I finally got ahold of a scanner, so here's the checks I've recently received from all my GPT sites. Forgive the poor quality, but I think these are at least clear enough to tell they are genuine. I've also got links to sign up below them in case you haven't joined any of these yet or go back to GPT Tips and read more about them.
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